Genealogical research in Ireland is different from England

Genealogical Research in Ireland I was inspired to write this blog post because of the amount of time I had spent struggling to understand what makes Irish genealogical research different from English research. I hope that it will help you spend less time stumbling around! This post is not intended to be a substitute for studying books and websites in order to learn more about the place and its records. Consider it to be a starting point instead. History Irish history can be a polarising subject simply because of its nature. For this reason I will not go into it in any great detail here. If you wish to know more, a good introduction is Gibney's book in the bibliography. Here's a short summary relevant to genealogy. The British invaded and occupied Ireland, just as the Normans and Romans invaded and occupied England. This took place, with varying degrees of violence according to the historical records, over periods of centuries. Certain British (w...